The leaves are turning and falling quickly, the air is cool and crisp which can only mean one thing. Halloween is once again upon us. Are you prepared for all the pirates, witches, ghosts and princesses who will soon be knocking on your door looking for treats?
10 Tips to ensure you and your family enjoy a fun and safe Halloween.
Activities: The Halloween Season is always filled with local family events, pumpkin picking, trick-or-treating activities, special TV programs & cartoons for both young and old alike. Gather your family and ask them what they would like to do and make it a point to schedule these activities in and enjoy Halloween as a family.
Candy: Do you want to be remembered as the neighborhood candy hero or candy villain? Why wait until Halloween day to purchase your candy and out of desperation resort to picking up the last no name bag of candy left on the store shelf. Scan the store flyers, grab your coupons and purchase your candy today and make children scream with delight not fright on Halloween night.
Costumes: Avoid last minute argh screams as you franticly tear the house apart looking for the missing sword to complete Billy's Captain Jack Sparrow Halloween costume. From the jacket, shirt, vest, belt, sash and ever famous bandanna with beaded braids, be sure you have everything you need and hang it up in one designated area.
Decorations: This is a great time to clean out ghosts of Halloween past. Eliminate all broken, faded or unwanted spooky decorations that you no longer love. At the end of the season be sure to corral and keep them contained in one place for easy retrieval next year.
Donate: Every child has the right to have a Happy Halloween. If you have boxes of previous years Halloween costumes stored and forgotten in your home, donate them to a child less fortunate. Search the internet or local papers for local costume collection drives in your area. Most will gladly accept gently used costumes to help a child in need or living in shelters enjoy the Halloween festivities.
Pathways: It's sad to say but did you know you could be liable if a child falls and hurts themselves on your property? Be sure your driveway and walkway are clear of toys, rocks and branches and is well lit to ensure trick-or-treaters have a safe well lit path to and from your home.
Pumpkins: Extend the life of your designed carved out pumpkin by rubbing Petroleum jelly on the inside and carved parts of the pumpkin. Another solution is to simply place your pumpkins in the fridge when they are not on display.
Safety: It's always safer to enjoy Halloween in supervised groups. Coordinate with friends and family a planned route and time in advance. While trick-or-treating wear light colored clothing and provide everyone with small battery-powered flashlights. An ounce of prevention will keep your family safe on the roads.
Tricks: Keep your children safe by thoroughly checking through your children's candy and eliminate any pieces that are not in their original wrappers or look as if they have been tampered with. Even my parents reviewed my candy, although I think my dad may have done this to sneak out all the Almond Joys for himself.
Enjoy: The holidays and winter will soon come rushing in. From hay rides, taking a ride to view the spectacular Fall Foliage to apple picking, make sure to get outdoors and enjoy the Fall Season and all it has to offer. Happy Halloween.
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