Ok, so maybe you can't eat ALL you want and lose ALL the weight, but still, these tips will help you get through this day!
In just a few hours the streets will be packed with monsters, movie stars and cartoon characters. That means 1 of 2 things:
1. It's Halloween
2. Kids have taken over the world
Either way, I'm going to show you a few ways to make your day a tad bit healthier.
Just to clear something up, I'm not going to tell you to not eat candy. It's your decision, we just cope. These are ways to make sure the candy goes to the right places and we enjoy the night.
1. Workout at some point today
Workout at home or the gym. Just incorporate some type of intense strength training that will increase your insulin sensitivity to the point where we can ensure at-least some of the candy will be going to muscle. Try to put it as close to the eating as possible, but don't go crazy over it. Really focus in on that strength training.
2. Get plenty of walking in
NO CARS. I still can't believe people drive their kids around to different houses to pick up candy. Turn of the car, save some gas, and use those feet. Pickup as much candy as you want as long as you're walking. If anything you should be wearing a weight vest with all that walking (just kidding, maybe).
Walking will burn some extra calories, make you a little more insulin sensitive and eliminate stress. All perfect benefits for tonight.
3. Eat a large meal sometime before all the candy
The logic may not make sense right now, but if you eat a protein packed meal before all that candy, you're automatically gonna eat less! Try eating a steak and sweet potato and then candy versus just candy.
You'll be much more full with the meal, eat less candy and the digestion of the protein and fat will slow the release of all that sugar (from the candy).
4. Eat, Eat, Eat!
Now I have to be crazy. I'm supposed to be telling you how to make Halloween healthier and I'm telling you to eat more? Yeah. I already mentioned above to have a full meal before, but I also think this might be a good day to eat a lot more of other types of foods.
Even if you overeat on whatever other foods you make, the outcome will be better than overeating on candy. Not to mention, overeating, especially on carbohydrate, raises master hormone leptin which in effect raises other beneficial hormones.
Dieting forces leptin to down-regulate and stop fat loss in its tracks. But when we incorporate a re-feed (like tonight), we trick leptin into thinking there is plenty of food, it up-regulates, and we burn fat the rest of the week.
5. Enjoy it, no stress!
Want to know an awesome way to make sure your "cheat" meal goes to your gut? Stress. How many of you stress out when you eat something out of the norm like cake or pizza? All you're doing there is ensuring that food is going to the places you don't want it to go to.
Try something new. Close your eyes and think good feelings before you eat your food.
Feeling good impacts how your body perceives the meal. If we eat while laughing and having a good time, the food will be handled differently then while stressing out and worrying.
So tonight, have a good time. Feel good. Enjoy every moment and be happy. Then tomorrow, get back to work and own it!
Happy Halloween!
If you would like to find out a few more insider tips in the health and fitness game, come check out my website, http://livingnotsurviving.com. I have many interesting articles, including one on the Chris Evans workout.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ahmed_S.