Learn How To Detox From Sugar After Halloween

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I feel so lousy this morning. I got involved with the kids and their Halloween candy last night, and I am so sorry that I did. It seemed so harmless at the time....
I know I need to learn how to detox from sugar because this morning, it feels like I went out drinking with my Penn State College buddies! And had a drinking contest to see who could down the most beers in an hour! That's what it feels like anyway. My head hurts. My stomach is queasy. I have no energy. And I have a killer jammed pack schedule to get through. What was I thinking?
Hind sight is 20-20 and I can't take it back! Just file away in my memory bank so I don't fall down that same trap again. In the meantime, how am I going to get through today?

Here are 3 tips that will help you get over that sugar hangover:
1. Start your day off with protein. You probably don't feel like breakfast, but skipping it is the worst thing you can do. You need to put some solid food in your system for it to work off of to get you through today. Protein is the best choice here. A 3 egg omelet or if stopping at a fast food, then one of those sausage and egg sandwiches (try not to eat the whole bun... aim for eating only 1/2 of the bun)
2. Green Tea. Skip the high test coffee you normally use to get you going on the day after. It just highlights the highs and gives you bigger lows when it wears off. You will wind up in a vicious circle. One that is very hard to get off of. It can become very seductive to get those highs from the caffeine. Think Red Bull anyone? Green tea will give you the antioxidants your body needs to fend off invaders.
3. Move as much as possible. If you are an exerciser, get that run in before work or do a 20 minutes session of weights or yoga. That will help get your blood flowing and moving everything around and out. If you are an office person or have a sedentary type job, make it your business to move 10 continuous minutes before settling into your work and then 5 minutes every hour after that.
These factors will be incredibly important on how well you handle the day after... and each day following that one. The precedent you set for yourself now is telling for the remainder of the year.
Are you ready to kick your sugar habit and want some more success tips to help you? If you are ready, I invite you to pick up my FREE report on "Sugar Solutions That Work" by visiting Crush Sugar Cravings. You can get started on kicking your sugar habit today.